
Table of Contents

Sometimes you just want to implement a Lisp using JSON data on dotnet.

Github code

Mainstream programmers understand the value prop of JSON, the internet is built with it. JSON comes from Javascript being conceived as a Scheme, which got its dynamic data structures from IPL.

The important part of a language is the ideas, what is idiomatic, and what you can express. The kinds of thoughts you are thinking with it. The syntax is the least important part of a language, seriously. JSON allows me to express Lisp code, because I only need to say lists, and atoms - numbers, symbols.

I am implementing a SICP metacircular evaluator. There are functions, there are values, you can call functions on values and you get a value back. There is also reference type atom, which is more or less the one from Clojure.

I can ask ChatGpt to produce Bobscheme, I can read and modify Bobscheme ad-lib. After all, it is just JSON. We know how to read, modify and create JSON.

They, who understand Bobscheme are but a small step away from understanding Lisp and Clojure.

Foo Accumulator

This Bobscheme code defines a function called make-adder. This function returns a function object, that accumulates the sum of all the args it was called with. Paul Graham was describing this function as a small example code snippet to get a feel for the power of a language (2002).

    "lambda", ["n"],
        "state", ["atom", "n"]
        "lambda", ["i"],
        ["swap!", "state", "+", "i"]

Def a machine:

["define", "machine", ["make-adder", 0]]

Use the machine:

["machine", 10]

=> 10

["machine", 15]

=> 25

The Bobscheme code is almost the same as the Clojure code:

(defn make-adder [n]
  (let [state (atom n)]
    (fn [i]
      (swap! state + i))))

Because the ideas are the same, we get to call that dialects of Lisp.

The Bobscheme is just annoyingly bloated with commata and quotation marks, inheriting from its JSON notation heritage.

Bobscheme part 3 - Local Environment, Let foo be bar!

Skipping some episodes where I made lambda and macros work.

I was thinking about lying in bed and how let could work and it shows in how quickly I put the code I think.

This time I tried to cut out a functional chunk. Program. cs now has a function called IsLet and is now called EvalLet.

I chose the same default sequential semantic that Clojure uses for my let bindings. In Emacs Lisp and Common Lisp, this would be called "let*".

Clojure, Lisp, Json, Scheme, Interpreter, joyful, hacking, hacker, Emacs, fun with the computer, lisp evaluator, chat gpt

  Object EvalLet(JToken expr, ImmutableDictionary<String, Object> env)
    var letExpr = expr.Skip(1);
    var bindings = letExpr.First().ToObject<JArray>();
    var localEnv = env;

    for (int i = 0; i < bindings.Count(); i += 2)
        var nameExpr = bindings[i];
        var valueExpr = bindings[i + 1];

        if (!IsSymbol(nameExpr))
            throw new Exception("Expected symbol for binding name in let: " + nameExpr);

        var name = nameExpr.ToObject<String>();
        var v = Eval(valueExpr, localEnv);
        localEnv = ExpandEnv(localEnv, name, v);


    var bodyExpressions = letExpr.Skip(1);
    return EvalSequence(bodyExpressions, localEnv);

This bob scheme code

["let", ["bar", 10,
         "foo", ["+", "bar", 100]],

says 110.

Part 2 - global env, variable lookup, little emacs things

I settle on a string atom representation.

This is the symbol foo:


This is the string "foo":


So hello world in Bobscheme is:

"'Hello, world!"

Then I add a global environment, assignment and variable lookup, and at the end of the episode I can say:

["define", "foo", 10]

=> foo


=> 10

In between I ramble about Lisp and Emacs things.

Keywords: Lisp, Scheme, Dotnet, C#, .Net, Csharp, JSON, Newtonsoft, LINQ, SICP, The structure and interpretation of computer programs, metacircular evaluator, own evaluator, own language, personal language, how to, emacs, screencast, programming, coding, showcase, showing off, Lisp explained, scheme explained, evaluator explained, emacs obarray, emacs variables, debug on variable change, trace-function, emacs theme, down to code, fun programming, global environment, variable lookup, immutable dictionary

Part 1 - dotnet new console, REPL

I make a program that reads JSON and then evaluates it using the meta-circular evaluator from the structure and interpretation of computer programs.

In this episode, I get to self-evaluating forms. So I can say "Hello, World!".

The cutest thing about Bobscheme is the prompts I use for the REPL.

string[] prompts = { "user> ", "what next?> ", "what is my purpose?> ", "say the next piece of the program> " };

They set the tone for joyful, toyful programming. Also doesn't this just clear up so much about the interaction of the programmer with the program?

Keywords: Lisp, Scheme, Dotnet, C#, .Net, Csharp, JSON, Newtonsoft, LINQ, SICP, The structure and interpretation of computer programs, metacircular evaluator, own evaluator, own language, personal language, how to, emacs, screencast, programming, coding, showcase, showing off, Lisp explained, scheme explained, evaluator explained

Date: 2023-07-05 Wed 08:38


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