Table of Contents
Lip reading
comes up in Podkayne of Mars, Robert A. Heinlein 1963.
Heinlein's character mentions how we already use visuals for speech perception more than we think.
Experiment 1
- Listen to speech, e.g., an audio book.
- Visualize the mouth (speech-) movements a speaker would make.
Experiential report
I find it quite striking how seemingly 'well' it works. I did not realize how closely my motor - visual and speech - auditory perception was associated, but it is.
I see snippets of mouth shapes in my mind's eye. It seems to go from phoneme to phoneme or something, in a sequence.
While I'm writing this text and think of the fact, I do the same for words of this text.
For instance, the e
in the word text above, would produce a thin, oval mouth shape,
coming from the t
which might flash the tongue inside the mouth and so forth.
- closed lips, then open relaxed
- teeth on lower lip, then open relaxed
(The study of this is articulatory phonetics I guess).
In my visualization there are characteristic, discrete snapshots ('snippets') for a sequence of speech sounds. These are the dominating characteristic of the visualization; the movements in between those are secondary or skipped.
I can easily imagine the analogue to this for sign language; they would be characteristic signs.
McGurk effect
You should know about the McGurk effect.
This effect showcases some of the aspects of multisensory processing
The striking thing about McGurk is that I 'hear' 2 different sounds.
Additional Observations
When I listen to a person speaking, looking at their mouth increases my ability to understand.
Multisensory processing
Is one of the cool topics of neuroscience that the current mainstream doesn't have a good way to talk about.
Peeks under the rug, aha
- Feedback connections
- And what is this? The Thalamus primary relays project to everywhere in Cortex,
- That looks more like all Cortex is general purpose, and all Cortex can make use of primary inputs. Sensory processing has both parallel and feedforward aspects.
This is perhaps an obvious first idea, but I myself don't encounter much content spelling such things out:
Multisensory ensemble just idea #1
- A: 'association' area
- M: 'motor' area
- S: 'sensor' area
(I collapsed visual-motor to M
A Hebbian Cell Assembly (Hebb 1949), is an auto-associative data structure,
Auto-associative: A memory regime where a value can be looked up with a version of itself, implementing a pattern complete.
It can be implemented in a spiking, recurrent neuronal net with global inhibition where subnetworks of neurons have more connectivity to itself, thereby producing 'hubs' of activity that stabilize itself (they form attractors in a dynamical system view).
You 'ignite' part of the assembly and it retrieves the rest.
(Here is an approachable model and great talk: The Assembly Hypothesis:Emergent Computation and Learning in a rigorous model of the Brain).
Plasticity: A mechanism that modifies the excitability properties of neurons in a neuronal net. This could be done by changing the excitability of neurons (non-Hebbian), changing weights or counts of synapses.
Plasticity rule: An algorithmic rule, usually part of the update rule for a neuronal net that specifies a plasticity. The best known plasticity rule is called Hebbian learning, that reads 'for all synapses where the source neuron was active in the last step and the target neuron is active in the current step, update the synaptic weight by a plasticity factor β'. It is summarized as 'neurons that fire together wire together'.
Given random connections between the areas, and some form of plasticity that makes sure that 'what is active together associates', we can grow a subnetwork 'spanning' multiple areas and 'standing for' a sensor input.
This is a relational view of cognitive representations. The representations between brains are all different, because random. But the relationships between the patterns are not.
In the case of speech, a child might acquire an ensemble spanning association and sensor area, after hearing a phoneme (S-A
The child could then, via some sort of learning behavior, try to make random motor outputs (babble), until a motor M
ensemble is found
that causes the auditory ensemble to be active in turn, forming a glorious brain-muscle-world-sensor-brain loop.
We would be able to grow a M-A-S
ensemble that stands for the phoneme.
It sort of looks as if the association area in this arrangement is representing a 'concept', into which other areas could hook into. (This talk follows the same reasoning, not for phonemes but for words: Pulvermueller: Semantic grounding of concepts and meaning in brain-constrained neural networks).
Given this implementation,
In short:
- Lip reading is using
to igniteA
. - McGurk effect is
stabilizing one version ofM-A-S
, and we are surprised that 2 differentA-S
are possible given the same sound input. - Listening with looking at a person's mouth is
are noisy M and S, but together stabilize a correctA
- Lip reading is using the (visual-) motor inputs (incidentally, 'mirror neurons') to retrieve at least the
- part of phonemes, since the association areaA
part of phonemes already is the 'concept' of that phoneme, the rest of the brain can continue with information processing as if we were listening to speech.- This model explains why lip reading is not so much a special skill, but a tuning in to the motor aspect of how we perceive speech in the first place. No further reconstruction needs to be done; it should be a kind of silent perception of speech.
- McGurk effect would be explained by the sensory area ensemble
being ambiguous enough so that actually the motor area partM
has the greater influence onA
. "Flipping" the attractor states of the ensemble inA
, igniting theA
part associated with either 'fa' or 'ba'.- Once the ball rolls into the valley of either 'fa' or 'ba', it stabilizes itself at
, too. I say the ensemble 'spans' the areas. Presumably, the activation atS
is involved in the perception of 'hearing' the phoneme.
- Once the ball rolls into the valley of either 'fa' or 'ba', it stabilizes itself at
- Looking at a person's mouth while they speak helps hearing, because the signal from both
ignites the correctA
I would then say that:
Such a circuit is an implementation of an abstract (generalized) speech data structure, whether it's sensor-level 'support' (as ensemble) comes from motor or auditory inputs is secondary. Once the speech data structures are formed, the rest of the information processing system can treat it as speech.
- Kandel won the Nobel Prize for finding Hebbian learning in aplysia californica.
- Neocortex uses non-Hebbian plasticity.
- The Assembly Hypothesis, "Assembly Calculus" uses an outside in model of learning, with sensor data coming in and driving the dynamics of the brain. But the brain stabilizes its internal dynamics; it is inside out ().
- Competitive dynamics are left out, but they explain the discrete nature of 'falling into' one of the possible ensemble attractors.
- The discrete nature of sensory processing is obvious with the McGurk effect. For all its ambiguity, sensory processing has aspects of discrete symbols.
More thoughts
- The fact that the McGurk effect is surprising is interesting in its own right.
- It showcases generally how we have little insight into how our own perception actually works.