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This is quite raw. Pure, raw, intimate thought. That's part of the design philosophy of this blog.

I recently went into memoizing pi again, for fun.

German memoization video (first 120 or so digits):

Live programming video:

Recipie for when you also want a mind-palace (Beginner)

  • take a full breath out
  • bring to mind a random room from somewhere you lived or visited
  • count the doors and windows
  • pick one door or window,
  • pick a person, for example a friend, or an actor from a movie or series
  • "imagine" the person sitting or standing next to the door or window. Let random associations come, if the imaginary person wants to smile into the camera, let them. Associations are happy little friends.
  • linger with this piece of imagination, appreciate it as artistic expression, created by yourself for yourself.
  • This place can be your first mind-palace,
  • This scene can be your first mnemonic scene
  • Maybe 'mnemonic devices work', or 'mind-palace is a thing'?
  • Everytime you visit this place in your imagination and remember the scene, you might remember 'mind-palace is a thing'.

P - B - O - B - P , PBOBP Scheme, person object body-part scheme

person - body part - object - body part - person

2 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 2

My Body parts B:

mix of some chakras, orifices and extremities.

  • 0: mouth
  • 1: genital
  • 2: leg/food | update: back
  • 3: heart
  • 5: nose
  • 6: ass
  • 7: eye
  • 8: ear
  • 9: above the head
  • eye / eyes, leg / legs, etc. Yogis choice.

Picked some of them with vague little connotations.

Genital, because phalic - 1 Mouth making O - 0 Heart emoji <3 - 3 2 legs in line drawing - 2 eye 7 seemed right. ear 8 because of the form of pinna, and I was imagining an 8 circeling around a persons head/ ears.

the highest digit and the higher self, crown chakra thingy - 9

Nose and ass I put wherever.

You could do 100 there, too.

Imagine, a spot on each tooth, inside the ear, on the earlobe, bla and bla.

Stream of Consciousness Walktrhough the first 4 pictures (4 * 8 digits) of PI

(Note I swapped 0 and 1 encoding in the example).

14 - 1 - 59 - 2 - 65

Albus Dumbledore - mouth - black candle wax - foot - Felix Zemdegs

in the final version:

Albus Dumbledore - penis - black candle wax - foot - Felix Zemdegs

I close my eyes and internally reach / visit some mind palace spot.

I have already prepared this space, a new planet, a pi planet. I imagine a scene from a space faring movie with a spaceship flying in orbit.

Then the starting point of my scene, a clearing in a jungle, nothing much commited yet.

When I come up with a new place I make hand movements like a conductor, pointing to space, letting it fill with pieces of scenery and architecture.

I might at times flip through a few alternative layout building blocks, like in some kind of city planner our house building video game.

Then I simply decide and commit to it perhaps with a settling hand movement, as if putting something down. Not on a table but more like letting it hang lose when it is secured by a surrounding net.

I found it is important to decide and commit on a layout. So as to not be tempted to re-arrange things. Such an endevour is one of the things that don't work well and are a waste of time.

Better work around the idea to do so.

This seems to be a benefit of using real places from memory, but then you will always have the myriad dymamic aspects of memory-trajectory building.

At this spot, is the door open, or closed? At this spot, is the bath in front or behind the cupboard?

I see Dubmledore with black wax on his foot. Then a picture of Vane (Black Seas) crosses my mind. This is from dableling with earlier versions of the above scheme.

In my memory image, D. is lifting his foot grazefully, there is a close-up.

The hole thing is basically like a camera moving through mostly static scenery, it is then the perspectives, close ups and so forth that are dynamic.

Either way, let's encode some pi with the scheme above:

Let's, see - 14.

Dumbledore, standing tall and wise head purched back and looking through his glasses - nodding knowling yes.

But hold on. I am careful to not imagine him in the scene already (though while writing this I already did a little).

I don't want to put an image of D. in the scene.

I want

14 - 1 - 59 - 2 - 65

so I first 'read through' the complete encoding.

Since I am a visual person, to hold this temporarily in mind, I will imagine the elements, but as a buffer.

Like some kind of video game where you have a drawing board available.

And you can put some buildings or whatever scratchpad like, before building it in the scene.

Dumbledore - mouth

I imagine D. pursing his lips. (close up, zoom).

59 - black candle wax - I remember the opening scene from Black Sea, I remember the sprit of the music, if not the music. Was that a piece from Imagine Dragons? - No I think, that one was the League Series.

Either way, I image black, dripping candle wax. Then D. with the lips again to hold it all together.

2 - […rembering, … almost looking up then remembering the legs on the line drawing ] legs.

Now I imagine candle wax on a line drawing leg. And D. with the lisp again.

65 - that is Felix Zemdegs.

Now I have him in mind, smiling with Rubiks cube in the cam.

I take a picture of him, like some cut out photograph, and move it on the imaginary scratch pad of the video game I imagined earlier. (This only comes up because I write this text).

Now Albus Dumbledore pursing lips, then black wax on a line drawing leg and Felix.

I move my hands as conductor, 'making space', 'allocating' a spot in the scene. This is a wiping away, wiping away anything that distracts me.

[excuse me while I perfom]

Ok so I made some mouth sounds 'ahh' and imagined a pond in the jungle, then I imagined D. and I thought it would be epic if he is spewing the black wax. Then I remembered food and Felix, so he is dangling with his foot from the wax now (he is more figure sized compared to D.).

For some reason, I have this Astral hero from Heroes of Migth and Magic 3 in mind when thinkin of Dumbledor and the wax.

So I make sure I remember it's D. by imagining some camera-shots of his wizard had, the glasses slightly dislocate upwards as the wax leaves his body ad violently.

One could spend now time on the details of the picture.

I realize the person hanging from the wachs could be anybody, so I google Zemdegs again.

After letting my mind move for a moment, I'll replace him with Robert Pattinson (Cedric Diggory). I'll leave the cube as object for 65.

I find actors are great because I can imagine them engaged in my scenes.

Hard cut. Next scene.

I want to do 1. pond, 2. floating on pond, 2. other side of pond.

(Then I already have a little staircase made from wood and mud in my mind that would lazily lead somewhere up, and providing another 3 spots)

Floating on the pond…

35 - 8 - 97 - 9 - 32

(I don't write down my thinking process in that much of detail now).

Cercei (Game of Thrones) - ear - Heroes Of Might And magic 3 Nagash - head chakra - Holden from 'The Expanse'

Cam moves behind Cedric dangling on the wax, on top of pond.

Cercei annoyed at the golden amulet coming out of her ear, amulet is gold with Nagash face roughly as stone. (Nagash also has something like that on his head).

The amulet dangles and flows into the head / head chakra of Holden. Glowing a little bit over the top like some angle bla-bla depiction.

Quicly appreciating the scene, putting in mind again how it follows the Dumbledor scene.

Actually, from this I have the idea that a 'second track' that goes Dumbledore - Cercei - … would be quite useful.

A hard part of this technique is making sure you don't 'oversee' (quite literally) one of the scenes.

If every spot has 3 sub-spots, rules like this help.

But a second memory track, keeping track of 'scene labels' perhaps simply with the first person of each scene - that might be useful, too.

At the other end of the pond…

38 - 4 - 62 - 6 - 43

Aubrey De Gray - hand - Mel (GOT) Object: Lightbringer sword (is a sword that glows with fire or sth.) - ass - Dr. Cox from scrubs

Aubrey De Gray putting the sword proudly in the air, then second part of the scene, he shows it into Dr. Cox ass. He is making sounds of pain.

(I imagine this more as if it was from a Monty Python movie, not a Saw).

I make sure I remember I mean the hand/ arm with 4. Another cam movement on the other hand of Aubrey.

Challanges I ran into with this scheme:

  • If you have objects that can also be interpreted as one of the body parts, might be confusing.
  • (for instance I had somewhere a skeletton hand I think).
  • If you have objects like swords that are obviously used with 1 body part there is another confusion.
  • You might think 'I see sword but what was the body part?'


  • I realized leg/foot did not work so well after learning for a few days.
  • The visuals did not go into the flow of the trajectory easily.
  • So I update to 'back' I think this works.

Date: 2024-11-05 Tue 10:48

Email: Benjamin.Schwerdtner@gmail.com

This website is made without the use of generative AI