
Table of Contents


  • The whole thing is the show, if I open a terminal and type, that's part of the show
  • Erros and software concepts are allowed to be part of the show
  • For instance, on error open another quill or terminals etc, error
  • you could play with the concepts like boot-up and calibration, have something like a loading bar or spinner in the mix
  • introduce interactivity with mouse and so forth
  • if I kill random elements, some will stay around as corpses or something. -> actually fascinating idea, get a glitchy look by actually having bugs and glitches
  • if I don't draw the background I get a ghost look, things like this
  • perhaps its exactly the interplay between working and not working, that is a deep aspect of software - debugging. If one can transport this feeling, one transports some of the nature of technology!

First Attempt at a One Take Live Programming

I want to make it an art. There is stuff to do to get the whole thing more dynamic. Also from watching this first attempt I feel where I could have done a lot with good timing and so forth.

Video description:

Do. Or do not. There is no try. - Yoda

Clumsily making the mistakes I need to make in order to become a live programmer.

I haven't seen anything like this myself on youtube, if you have examples of fellow travelers let me know.

Music is licesed (allegedly) licensed Creative Commons

Thanks for the playlist:

Keywords: Clojure, Emacs, Quill, Linux, Programming, fast programming, art, performing, performative software, performative programming

Visual Software Art, Clojure, Emacs (Attempts)

I declare my goal to make a software that is exploring implementations "Inside Out" (pixar movie) cognitive computer system.

algorithmssoftware artmovies, books"Inside Out"

If there are algorithms, datastructures, programming languages on one end, and movies, books on the other end, this software art wants to be in between, towards a software implementation of the computer system of 'inside out'.

Music is:, thanks!

Really cool, a lot of meditation music for free:

Vehicles in space, current state of my programmatic art

Viewing the last video gave me the idea of underwater - sea - or space jellyfish.

So I tried to bring it a bit of space jellyfishness.

I feel like now I'm slowly coming to something that starts looking like artistic style at the edges. This style at the moment comes from cybernetic and some physics / chemical concepts. Braitenberg vehicles with mechanism of motion, elements with brownian motion. Then, there is the aspiration of network science concepts with the connection lines. This is expressed in a straightforwart, toy-like software framework. Going fast, going with joy, bottom up. I'm not ashamed to aspire to the label of doing software sensually.

Trying to learn from the previous video and make it more engaging. I guess the meditation music does immediately bring in some relaxation and also epicness.

What I have learned from the previous video:

  1. I try to show the art longer on the screen in fullscreen, I suppose many viewers just click for the art.
  2. Just be more relaxed man, it's programmatic art.
  3. It's art and programming, programming art, artistic programmig. Kinda programming but also kinda doing art. Really, it's the intersection of programing and art and cybernetics and a little bit computational a-life.

Keywords: software, a-life, Braitenberg vehicle, Clojure, Emacs, art, meow, professional software art, space, trippy,

The music used is:, thanks!

Date: 2024-09-13 Fri 20:13

