Neuronal Memetics Overview

Table of Contents

This is my evolving theory of cognition. I believe in science fiction and wild ideas. If human creativity as a whole is a search process, then there must sometimes be tentacles of 'out there' ideas.

Refinenments (future):

One of the deepest unsolved problems:

An alien spaceship with ideas... creating it's own user

  • What kind of computer is the brain?
  • What is the nature of software that supports its own user?

Functional Properties of brain software

My current ideas include action-hero wizards that manifest bananas in a virtual simulated world.


computational layersoftware layerthe fun gaporganisation?codeprocess

The Fun Gap: The difference that when you study the system in terms of the computational layer, and there is an operating system with a cognitive user in the system that is so much more relevant to the thing you study that they can mess with your experiments just for fun.

Bricks are not the theory of buildings, architecture is.

No programmer is at hand.

Brain software must be an instance of self-assembling, biological software.

Software engineering starts with the problem.

computational layer?codeprocess?? The problemUser with a magical interface to alien computer(self assembled)

  • Then back and forth with candidate building blocks

This is an exercise in fictional science, or science fiction, if you like that better. Not for amusement: science fiction in the service of science. Or just science, if you agree that fiction is part of it, always was, and always will be as long as our brains are only minuscule fragments of the universe, much too small to hold all the facts of the world but not too idle to speculate about them.

Valentino Braitenberg (Vehicles).

High Dimensional Computing

Symbolic AINetsstructureambiguity

Large amounts of elements, all contributing to a piece of data, produce the properties of high dimensionality.

HD computing10.000 bits wide wordsHyperspace is vast

hypervectors are points in hyperspacepattern complete, even if 40% of bits are losteverything else far away

  • pattern complete allows us to identify symbols.
  • Steven Wolfram: concepts are particles in concept space.1
  • hypothesis: we can model symbolic concept space in terms of a hyperspace.

Symbols, Relationships, Structuresbindassociate"Superpostion"

  • every encountered concept is allowed to be a new prototype symbol
  • [ ≅ Word2vec ]

Penti Kanerva:

Now we have a system where we can actually represent structure.

We could implement Lisp. And if you think of computational linguistics, 30 years ago, 40 years ago, 50 years ago.

It was all Lisp programs. So then came neural nets and this tradition was sort of lost. We can bring this together. With this system, we can bring them together.

HD represents symbols, composition, and information is allowed to be fuzzy and mixed etc.

  • pattern complete allows to mix information.
  • HD has a bind operation, it can represent role-filler pairs (key-value pairs in software engineering)
  • Vague data structures are possible:

vaguea low detail datastructure

The cortex is a knowledge-mixing machine. - V. Braitenbgerg

In neuroscience, the equivalent study is the study of the Neuronal Ensembles

Neuronal Ensemble


Rafael Yuste: The neuronal ensembles are the emergent property of neuronal nets.

G. Buzsáki: The letters of brain code

  • exploring high dimensional computing architectures inspired by empirical work on neuronal ensembles.
  • M. Sherman: Thalamus and Neocertex are wired in regular ways.
  • R. Yuste: Non-Hebbian plasticity
  • V. Braitenberg: Think of devices that modify the neurons.
  • G. Buzsáki: A hippocampal librarian, mental navigation, oscillations, trajectories and experiments, inhibitory interneurons
  • M. Abeles: Neocortex electrophisiology is hostile to activity. Synfire chain: synchronous activity.

G. Palm + V. Braitenberg, the thought pump:


A1A2A1+halo...A - settledA - settled

excitability+ → activates the ensemble halo

excitability- → finds the most supported center

This is a massively parallel search mechanism, making use of the neuronal net.


Neuronsdevices that mess with the neuronsexcitability device?library indexer? ?

  • The function of the devices is likely simple
  • Only heuristic or random elements can modify the content of brain-software
  • Devices should treat all mental content equally 👈


Figure 1: Neural Assemblies. An Alternative Approach to Artificial Intelligence. (G. Palm)

1982, models and works out some of these aspects.

"Has largely been ignored".



Ensembles move around in a substrate with attenuation. As described by Braitenberg 19772


Neurophilosophy is a biophilosophy of programming.

The brain is doing computation, but what is the software it implements?

codeInterpreterprocess structuretasks...primitive tasksphysical realityprogramprogram structure

The Fun Gap

Computational LayerSoftware Layerabstraction barrierThe "fun gap"

Software / Computation

  • Architecture ⇔ Building blocks
  • Organisation ⇔ Elements (?)
  • Operating System ⇔ Data structures
  • Theory of evolution ⇔ biochemistry

The Fun Gap: The difference that when you study the system in terms of the computational layer, there is an operating system with a cognitive user in the system that is so much more relevant to the thing you study that they can mess with your experiments just for fun.


Statistical methods that make biochemistry at the thermal rocks until you get something like cells? 🤔

That is not an explanation of life.

What is missing to explain the mind as a theory of knowledge.

Brain software is software and there is no programmer at hand. It is self-assembled software.

  • The genes facilitate the growth of self-assembled software on the brain,
  • The function of the brain is to allow for software to self-assemble
  • The biology of the brain is the theory of brain software, and it is the theory of self-assembling software

It must be an interactive and dynamic computing framework (Alan Kay, JSC Licklider, John McCarthy).

The Meme World

Memetic Engineeverything possible virtual simulated world ? devicesStable Ideas

  • Neuronal ensembles survive or don't survive.
  • The logic of the memetic engine predicts neuron failure rate (skip rate), and intrinsic firing rate.
  • This supports what is called Neuronal Assembly Shift
  • devices are things that mess with the neurons in substantial ways, like modifying the excitability, making memory lookups, etc.
  • if this is initiated from the neurons, then little computer usage pieces are possible, too
  • the memetic engine creates a second biological plane, some kind of simulated virtual world, in which many things are possible. and everything possible is also true a little bit.

Memes are information with causal power, they know how to replicate themselves:

brain statesreplicatort1t2...

  • High dimensional, pattern completed symbols 👈 it's fair to call them memes

Hypothesis: Brain software implements a simulated world supporting high-dimensional, biological software entities.

computational layersoftware layervirtual simulated worldthe ideas are like little animals

  • the meaning of the high dimensional data structures is their effect on the computational system
  • roughly: The connections of the neurons they are made from (?)

Structure And Function of Memes

  • The structure and function of memes is their meaning in the computational framework

conjecture (creating ideas)criticismenvironemtconstrainsdynamically morphs

  • the context criticizes the ideas, their creation is akin to conjecture.
  • Conjecture and criticism are an explanation of creativity and knowledge [Popper, Deutsch]
  • Make it hard for activity to survive [Abeles 1982]
  • Allow 'lateral inhibition', in a broad sense (various inhibition systems).

-> Inhibition is criticism and is an essential component of a theory of brain-knowledge

  • Conjecture: Neuronal ensembles are active data structures, representing clouds of counterfactual possibilities. (via their halos).
  • Ensembles leave their neurons behind,
  • Perhaps more like activity amebas on top of the neurons

+ createrandom indexer?gensymassociator!action + change

  • A Buzsáki librarian module would allocate random high-dimensional sequences, which an associator would imbue with meaning by doing action, using the corollary discharge and the sensors 3.
  • for present purposes: the ideas are there first

+ creategensym~ memetic engine

  • Via the basic Hebbian Cell Assembly notion: An idea is either supported or less well supported, given the context

supportednot supported/ inhibitedenvironement / context

  • The environment/context is roughly speaking whatever else is active right now (but neuromodulators, synassembles3, etc.)

If you shit on all ideas evenly, that's a way for the good ideas to survive. That's the basic notion of a threshold device.

  • The most complex critic is the rest of cognition. This fits well with Joshua Bach's notion of consciousness as a coherency function.4
  • whatever you mean, means whether you survive or not, given the rest of the system
  • neuronal ensemble anatomy, or the memetic game of the circuits, or their ad-hoc epistemology

...affordanceinterpretation, .. Cortexareas...ThalamusM. Sherman: The input to the next area is motor outputHD datastructure spanning cortex?

...I can be looked atI can be graspedwhereweight


"Sensor Level""Meaning Levels"Neuronal Ensemble stretching meaning levels"I see a blue dress"blue

Perception is about the stuff that we don't see.


Figure 2: The dress blueblackwhitegold

  • It's still there even when closing the eyes
  • phantom pain
  • Joshua Bach: creatures in the dark
  • the second tenant of memetics: inhibit your alternatives on every level of meaning

  • maybe memes are bags of counterfactual expectations
  • memes know themselves how to be used

sensor dataeye positionaffordance"Commitment?""Attention?""giving into the tempation to look""how to look"

Up to pre-frontal areas, perhaps…

...I can be 'held in working memory'I can be pronouncedI can be mentally navigated to

templates (?)

roles"niches""situations"fillers, dynamictemplate (abstract)Same thing, another meme

Also called frames, roles, fillers in cognitive modeling.

The notion of a line is allowed to abstract, the color is a dynamic filler (we already required this above).

  • they are allowed to be made from the same stuff.
  • neuronal ensembles already are context for other neuronal ensembles
  • similarly, neuronal ensembles can mean verbs, transformations, and causality structures via their affordance representations


In order to be useful, this data structure must have dynamic composability. On-the-fly mapping, on-the-fly making sequences.

on the fly bindingreader with larger time window1 ensemble

Ensembles have a temporal structure.

Perhaps Buzsáki's "Neuronal Syntax" can yield good ideas.

There is only one kind of entity in this system, the high-dimensional, replicating, data structure 👈

Their power and versatility come from the available "devices".

The system only needs to deal with a single type. (I.e. everything is closed closed under the fundamental data structure).

The one datatype in the system is a living, biological entity.

Understanding the brain entails understanding simulated worlds.

David Deutsch:

The adaption of a replicator is the knowledge that makes it a replicator, given a niche.

  • memes are biological entities in a computational framework
  • the memes know themselves how to be used
  • memes somehow self-assemble to brain software
  • memes are strategic

onoffon...A high dimensional chess board

  • Micheal Levin: The cognitive light cone of an agent is how far into the future its goals reach
  • In order to solve a Rubik's cube, one has to break existing patterns.
  • memes are harmonic and they have extended phenotypes [Dawkins 1982]

System of memes"Activate your activators"a causal coalition

  • Donald Hebb: The Organization of Behavior 1949 - same thing on the level of cell assemblies
  • Daniel Dennett: Consciousness Explained 1991 - similar thing on the level of ideas
  • Here, it is on the level of software.
  • meme compositions are allowed to be made from the same data in HD software.
  • meme compositions somehow are allowed to be arbitrarily sophisticated users of the computer they run on
  • Competent memes cause the computing framework to reproduce themselves:

competent memeinterfacecomputing frameworkAA'?causes itself to be stableuseful software memesIt is also made from memesstate 2state1

  • These are computational survival software user entities using an operating that evolves to be useful
  • What is useful software? This is a programming design philosophy question. What is expressivity?

system of expressionBuilding blockscompositionalityabstractionInterfaceuser

  • This somehow must make interfaces and languages, "hide the details"
  • We know this "hiding" thing is true for sure because we are a cognitive user ourselves.
  • Daniel Dennett called this hiding the details the user illusion. I call this the magical interface instead.
  • Explaining cognitive user entities was required for a theory of cognition, so it is sweet when the explanation requires them, too.
  • Conjecture: Languages cannot use themselves (otherwise it has its own ideas, and isn't a good language), therefore, each language needs a user level. Systems of expressions are required for powerful software design. (philosophy of programming, underdeveloped)5, 6 (future constructor theory of programming and design?)

The Living Language

  • expressivity predicts that the elements are composable
  • a language that has it's own ideas isn't a good language
  • Imagine you need to use the word banana in every sentence

critical periods, synaptic overproduction and synaptic pruning 👈

user - producer (resource) symbiosis

Mutual ActivationuserAbstract Banana Symbolword "banana"++ I like this wordit activates me indirectlyinitial prototypegenerality driver+

  1. User-level entities will want their producers to be general
  2. Producer level entities want to be general, and composable (building blocks). Because systems of expression are even more powerful and useful.
  3. users want to be competent composers of useful languages.
  4. user level entities should be allowed to be symbiotic with the languages they use, creating harmonic, expressive building blocks at the producer level that I label systems of expression 👈

Magical Interfaces

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Arthur C. Clark

Any magic is indistinguishable from technology, given the right knowledge.

David Deutsch

Memetic EngineCompetent Wizardmagical user interfacevirtual simulated world


Neo (Keanu Reeves) stopping bullets in The Matrix (1999)

Matrix possibleMatrix stableNeo stops bulletsNeo doesn't attempt magic, or magic fails

  • The inverted logic for magical universes in our reality
  • The sliver of magical universes are the ones being selected

The optimism and competence overlap:

wizardbanana!I don't knowThe Matrixusefuloptimistic


  • hypothesis: Higher-order memes have a technology crafting interface to resources of the neuronal computer by constraining the environment, the memetic engine or randomly firing neuronal ensembles fill the niches. They are active, substrate creating ideas.

active substrateneuronal ensembles with random firinghigher order memeconstrains environment

  • Brain software is a "technium"

e.g. memory devicecompetent usercomputer deviceless competent useralternative memetic societies

  • The memes that exploit the capabilities of the computer in sophisticated ways are the ones we see around
  • "Perfusing the computer they run on with competence".
  • And since high dimensional computing allows for many, many things to be possible, the system can find competencies in unlimited ways.

Recent work:



  • Neuronal Syntax (Buzsáki)

The means of abstraction?

  • 'analogy', templates (high dimensional computing helps)
  • action, transformation, change (?)

Wiring, Devices, Oscillations

Try to beat ARC

Constructor Theory of Knowledge

  • The constructor theory of knowledge would be an extension of Dawkins's replicator theory
  • Chiara Marletto says this would also talk about civilization and technology

Philosophy of computing

A constructor theory of computing

UserUser InterfaceMemStateComputerCode

I want to make progress in describing theoretically what computing frameworks, interfaces, languages, and operating systems are.

Machine Learning?

Learning and behaviouristic paradigms are not explanations of the mind.

Main influences

  • Richard Dawkins (abstract replicator theory).
  • David Deutsch (theory of knowledge and reality).
  • Marvin Minsky (software engineering approach to the mind).
  • Valentino Braitenberg (mechanisms that click). taste

In my free time

  • well this
  • rollerskating, gym, listening to science and science fiction audiobooks
  • fun with the computer: Emacs, Clojure, Unix, explorative programming and artistic programming
  • Rubics cube, lucid dreaming, memory techniques (not recently. Knew 15k digits of pi once)


The Dinosaur of Our Age: Spirits, Souls, Ghosts…

  • Dragons were not real, dinosaurs were real
  • Perhaps spirits were not real, but living ideas were
  • Living ideas: memes made from stable information that make software entities
  • Information represented via high dimensional data structures in a computational system
  • … made from neuronal activity
  • Intrinsic activity and central pattern generators: Perhaps they are like the spirits, the inner life, the creative spark
  • The idea of life in a virtual simulated world, representing the essentials of the outside world. A seed grows into a tree, this tree-growing causal structure can be represented as a tree spirit living in the seed. Those causal structures, internal mechanisms and surface interactions, are real things in the world.

Coherence Challange Model of Working Memory

You make an area that is this hard to spread into, for instance with low excitability or frequent resets.

challanger nodeHard to spread intoneurons

challanger nodeweak supportchallanger node!possible, but not actualactualglobal, coherent supportensemble 1ensemble 2

Dan Dennett: Fame in the brain.

Fits with 'global work space theory'.

Perhaps an ensemble can say think me, by spreading a little bit into the challanger node.

challanger nodeensemble 1counterfactual possibility"You can think me"?

The challanger node is 'merely' a handle for using the rest of the system.


"commitment"I click random buttons until something happensmess with the neurons in random ways"perspective"made from neurons - so memeticincluding random memory lookupsperhaps

  • have a perspective mechanism that makes random inputs to neurons
  • modifies the attractor landscape dynamically, from within the neurons (perspective-effectors)
  • ≅ attention in machine learning

Tip of the Tounge

Just an idea, perhaps one aspect of the tip of the tongue.a

  • the mechanism for the feeling of tip-of-the-tongue is here in the notion that a vague "narrative unit" coming from user-level entities is undergoing destabilization, "fleshing out", "filling the blanks" This fleshing out fails to provide the memory lookup required, yet the "speak" part is being "fleshed out", too. The hypothesis is that this fleshing out usually is a way for the producer level to find a result, but didn't work.

user"I start remembering""I remember""I speak"vague idea"I start remembering""I remember""I speak""commitment"1. success case"I start remembering""I speak"also a high detail idea2. failure casehigh detail ideacrucial detail missingLet the memetic engine figure out the details"intensified", usually a perspective trickbut didn't workmemory queriesfailed attempts


  • neurons don't heal- synaptic 'overproduction' is a misnomer, when it is part of the functioning
  • critical periods: Language phonemes

early: many things possiblesynaptic 'overproduction'pruning"freezing" layers of expression?sensory areas first, pre frontal lastPerhaps less "alive", but a usuable software systemmature

Perhaps brain software is made out of ghosts of living memes, like a landscape carved from rivers.

Kantian pre-fill mode: prepare a net for some physical inputs.

  • [developmental neuroscience, sensor motor inputs ]
  • traveling waves?

Has an analog in machine learning. [pretrainend convolutions I think].


elements of expressioncompositionality rules (syntax)

  • Consider the banana language (every sentence is required to have the word banana in it). It is less useful than English.
  • The repertoire of a system of expression is the set of sayable things.
  • everything possible to say should be sayable.
  • You want to be able to compose the elements freely.
  • (same as 'the living language problem').

Perhaps dreaming is keeping the system of expression smooth that we use to create our 'waking dream'.


active substratehigher order memeconstrains environmenthumans / brains ? Society / Culture(even higher order)

  • Reminds me of the book title by Wiener The Human Use of Human Beings (1950).
  • Cultures are living entities, just like ideas are
  • Systems of ideas use their resource level, perhaps these 2 things together are a definition of technology


The new generation will have no trouble accepting that consciousness is a virtual machine. They are used to virtual machines when using the software of their computers and phones.

From memory, not verbatim Dennett 2023.

  • Consciousness is a virtual simulated reality created by software ✓

New questions:

  • What is software?
  • What is virtual?
  • What is reality?



Pentti Kanerva. Hyperdimensional computing: An introduction to computing in distributed representation with high-dimensional random vectors. Cognitive Computation, 1(2):139–159, 2009.


Rafael Yuste Lectures In Neuroscience, 2023


Buzsáki, G. (2019). The Brain From Inside Out. New York: Oxford University.




[recent youtube talk]


Cell Assemblies in the Cerebral Cortex, V. Braitenberg 1977


Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, 1983

Date: 2024-06-11 Tue 15:55


This website is made without the use of generative AI