
Table of Contents

Context: Neuronal Ensemble Memetics

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Synapse Turnover

This is a neurobiological concept. Seth Grant and collaborators showed that there are different classes of synapses with different turnover rates.

A brain atlas of synapse protein lifetime across the mouse lifespan.


Figure 1: From Neuron, Graphical abstract, brain atlas of synapse protein lifetime across the mouse lifespan


The intuitive conclusion is that high synapse turnover makes synapses more stable. That is if a synapse is broken a little it is replaced by a new one.

My reasoning:

Perhaps during this dynamic turnover, the network has the chance to be more dynamic, i.e. to make different connections. The synaptic turnover then should be a hyperparameter for the neurons, saying how dynamic the network is.

Note that it is not clear that high turnover is just better. Perhaps it makes sense to have a developmental phase of high dynamism, followed by a long arc of low dynamism. Perhaps a brain with low dynamism can form different kinds of ideas without jumping to conclusions to fast.

Create New Synapses

;; ==============================
;; binary Hebbian-plasticity
;; ==============================


— For each neuron that is active right now, look at the neurons that were active at the last step, for each of those edges (i->j) there is a chance, proportional to β, that there is a new synapse formed between the 2 neurons. Doesn't matter if there is already a synapse or not.

In order for the network to not be overrun with synapses everywhere, in a second process prune synapses.

You could also model a lifetime for each synapse formed. The plasticity rule could then reset the lifetime.

It is biologically intuitive, that some processes form (semi-random) fresh connections. You might wonder if such a thing would happen during sleep. This would re-normalize the network, and make new interpretations possible again.

We could simply do this by shooting a bit of random activation into the network. The plasticity rules would then already make new synapses. As a variation of this, you can construct the geometry in the network, by making not completely random activation, but random activation with geometry. For instance, if you make a wave across the network, you automatically create synapses to neighboring neurons.

params: β `plasticity` is now the chance that a new synapse is formed, per time step. (per pair of active neurons)

(defn scalar? [m]
  (zero? (mathjs/count (mathjs/size m))))

(defn binary-hebbian-plasticity
  [{:keys [plasticity weights current-activations
  (let [subset (.subset weights
                        (mathjs/index current-activations
        new-subset (if (scalar? subset)
                     (mathjs/bitOr subset
                                   (< (mathjs/random)
                     (mathjs/map subset
                       (fn [v _idx _m]
                         (mathjs/bitOr v
                                       (< (mathjs/random)
    (.subset weights
             (mathjs/index current-activations

Prune Synapses

I played around with a fixed prune-rate and realized that I would need to carefully balance the connectivity (basically impossible).

So you have the problem: You are either overrun with connectivity, which sounds useless; Or you are starved of connectivity, which sounds fatal.

A simple solution is to keep the connectivity fixed instead. This way the turnover rate depends on the plasticity (the chance to make new synapses) and nothing else.

;; Prune (random) synapses so that the connectivity of the network stays the same.
;; The synapse turnover rate is given by
;; --------------------------------------
;; 1. The plasticity (chance for new synapse forming when 2 neurons are active across 2 time steps)
;; 2. That's it because we prune back to the fixed connectivity
;; ---
;; Biologically, it would be easier for me to think in terms of synapse lifespan.
;; However, intuitively, it should all average out with large numbers.
(defn prune-synapses-fixed-density
  [{:as state :keys [density n-neurons]}]
    (fn [weights]
      (let [prune-rate (/ (- (.density weights) density)
                          (.density weights))]
        (if-not (< 0 prune-rate)
          (.map weights
                (fn [v _idx _m]
                  (boolean (< prune-rate (mathjs/random))))

Developing Ensembles As Cohorts of Neurons

Here is a developmental strategy that will create ready-made ensembles (sub-networks). Perhaps this is useful, somewhere:

  1. Neuron model with Hebbian plasticity, make new connections when neurons fire in succession (like binary-hebbian-plasticity above), or otherwise 'together'.
  2. Grow the neurons in cohorts.
  3. Make young neurons have a higher intrinsic firing rate. For instance, say that neurons younger than 1 day have a very high intrinsic firing rate. And older neurons less.
  4. Each timeslice, the fresh cohort of neurons will make connections amongst themselves.
  5. Observe that at each time slice, the old neurons will make fewer connections to the fresh ones, and the fresh ones will make more connectivity amongst themselves.
  6. This will create subnetworks of neurons. Depending on how tight the intrinsic firing rate regulation is and so forth, you can modify what kind of network you get (i.e. how many connections you have between subnetworks).

This is inspired by Emre Yaksi: Function and development of habenular circuits in zebrafish brain:


There is the whole concept of the 'Synaptome':

The diversity of synapses and their location in the brain are described by the synaptome.

BS 211 Molecular Biologist Seth Grant (brain science podcast) Synapse diversity and synaptome architecture in human genetic disorders

Date: 2024-05-01 Wed 10:44


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