
What theme are you using?

Here it is:



I picked this image from a subreddit r/'magical mindscapes' or something. And used the colors as basis.

I also use the palatte for livecode, or on websites here. This blog is deployed using org export code, this exports the theme as css. I.e. org verbatim looks like keyword face.

The themes spirit is Magic fruit in a dark forest.

  • primates evolved to differentiate green shades in forests
  • bright fruity colors signal foot

pretty show paren

To get a little extra flourish and show me (more or less) when I am at a special lispy position, I do:

(defun mememacs/lispy-set-faces ()
      (and (eq meow--current-state 'insert)
            (and (lispy-bolp)
                 (or (looking-at lispy-outline-header)
                     (looking-at lispy-outline)))))
       :foreground mememacs-visuals/heliotrope
       :underline t)
     :foreground mememacs-visuals/mint-bright-2
     :underline t)))

 show-paren-style 'parenthesis
 show-paren-context-when-offscreen nil
 ;; 'overlay
 show-paren-when-point-in-periphery t
 show-paren-when-point-inside-paren t)

(add-hook 'meow-insert-mode-hook #'mememacs/lispy-set-faces)
(add-hook 'meow-normal-mode-hook #'mememacs/lispy-set-faces)

Also possible with evil.

Alternatively, I would set show-paren-match to white. It makes it blink pretty!

How do you repeat keys so quickly?

I modify the x key repeat rate to the maximum.

Oh boi, once you have this you will not go back. See: A System Like Water.

Lispy how to to insert single [, {, ", (

A frequently asked question when using Lispy is how do I insert single brackets, quotes, and parens?

The answer is quoted-insert, which is bound to C-q by default.

It reads the next character and inserts it, bypassing your current keymap and such.

What keyboard is that?

This is

Advantage360 Linear Quiet

Other notable kinesis users are ThePrimagen and Lex Friedman.

Date: 2023-07-14 Fri 11:14

Email: Benjamin.Schwerdtner@gmail.com

This website is made without the use of generative AI